When we head out and share the gospel, it's sad to say that many who claim to be Christians have no idea what it really means to be one. But every once in a while we meet people who are truly born again. It is so cool when you meet a brother or sister in the Lord and you have the instant bond of family in Jesus. It’s then when I encourage them to be a witness for the LORD. I give them some tracts and tell them to pray about who to give them to.
Proverbs 27:17 says:
"As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend."
When you run into a brother or sister while sharing the gospel, make sure you give them some gospel tracts and challenge them to go into all the world to share the good news, like Jesus has told us to. Let the Lord use you to sharpen the countenance of your new friend!